Daily Glitch

Embrace Who You Are and Just Be Yourself
It's comical how others are envied for superficial beauty, wealth or relationships that people would fight to trade places with them because many of them are looking at us and thinking the same thing. You appear as the smartest person around and they wish they had the same people or conversation skills that you do. That feeling of quiet desperation to "be someone else" results in the lack of confidence, low self-esteem and any hope that we can ever improve our situations in life.
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5 Reasons Why Self-Awareness is Important
There are many great ways of improving yourself. One of these ways is to look for the positive attributes you possess and appreciating that part of you. Another important way of becoming a better person is by acknowledging your weaknesses and actively working on improving. These two methods of self-improvement define what it means to be self-aware. Being self-aware can help you relate well with people and increase your ability to achieve your goals. These are not the only benefits of self-awa...
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